Friday, August 28, 2009

A. Hajarratu
B. 6
C. 29 August 2009
D. Video 3
E. 1. Decide not to do:
Lie to my parents that i am sick and play the game.
Decide to do:
Tell my parents that i have recovered and study for the test.

2. Decide not to do:
Play the video game and lie to my parents.
Decide to do:
Tell the truth and not play the video game till i get addicted. Limit myself to play the game and study for my upcommimg test.

3. Did not do:
Tell the truth. By not telling the truth, i am only creating a bigger lie that would cause problems to myself and the people around me. Study for my upcomming test. By not studying for my exams, i would not know how to do it so i might result to cheating.
Did do:
Play the video game. By playing the game and not having a time limit to play the game, i am resulting myself to game addiction. With this, i would not have enough sleep and enough time to study for my test. I would also lie to my parents that i am still sick so that i would carry on to play the game since i am addicted to playing the video game.