Thursday, April 2, 2009


Friendship. Without friendship, our lifes would be nothing. Schools are made not just studying, but also making friends. That is why the Olympic and the Youth Olympic games are not just for competing but also for making new friends from other nations. With friendship, nations could help each other Whenever They needed the help. It is like when Singapore helped Indonesia when the tsunami hit them. This could actually strenghten the value of frindship between nations. With the YOG being held in Singapore, Singapore would have many friends. Friendship is the important things in YOG as, if there is no friendship in Singapore, Singapore would not have hosted the YOG. Singapore is hosting YOG for the first time and this is a better way for Singapore to interact with other nations. It also helps our Singaporean's Olympian to bond with other olympians. With this value, it makes the YOG more exciting because without this, everyone would be so serious and there would be no life in this game.


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