Friday, March 27, 2009

What did Singapore do to promote YOG?

I slap you!

Overhaed bridge outside far east plaza.

At Singapore visitor's centre.

Job well done.

This is at Seng Kang .

NUM Folks putting upYOG flag.

Flags adorning the entire block.

Diving into the grass.

Singapore and moscow was in the final week of the race. On Thursday, Singapore will learn if it will be the hosting country for the 2010 YOG. The singapore forces gave one final push for the chance at the hosting glory.
They’ve come a long way and many people have put in blood, sweat and effort to bringing singapore here. And it was great to know that their effort has not gone unrecognised, because Singapore WON!.
the best part was that people were actually doing something to show their support for the bid! In fact, even companies like New Urban Male and Cityneon are stepping in to lend a hand in hyping up this historical moment.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Olympics before and after.

The Olympic torch (after).

The olympic torch (before).

Athletes running (before).

The olympic stadium (after).

Athletes running (after).

Olympics stadium (after).

Supporters from the olympics of Germany (before).
The Olympic stadium (before).

Friday, March 13, 2009

Respect, friendship and excellence.

The three values of olympism is recpect, excellence and friendship. Olympism is a spirit that infects the world.It keeps the bonds of the world as one as we watch the contestants do their best and we support them whether the win or lose. We see sportsmanship in these contestants and we also see friendship and teamwork amongst the team mates. I respect these athletes for they always strive for excellence.Even if they know they are about to lose, they will still continue to do their best and not give up. That's something that's highly admirable. We should always pesevere and do what ever you can instead of being like a crouch potato .We need to make good friends by respecting them, this is how we can improve and excel.Our characters can also be improved from there.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What i can do to improve?

Icould use full use of my science text book or go on to asknlearn to revice again.I will ask questions whenever i do not understand anything.I will also do the quizes put up on asknlearn to improve my understnding in this chapter.

What i can do to improve?

I can read my science text book and i could go on to asknlearn to learn again.I could also do quizes which are put up on asknlearn.I would also do my best for all exams, homeworks and projects.

What i found difficult or confusing?

I find that the part where i have to learn the menstruation cycle was difficult.I did not understand the part where i have to count the days and what happens first.Example, ovulation, menstruation , fertilisation.I get confused over this part of the chapter, so, i hope that this part would not come out for exams eventhough i know it would.

What i think i did well in this chapter?

I think that i did well in the labling of reproductive parts and most part of this chapter. I think that i could understand well in this chapter as this chapter was very interesting.Not that the other chapters were boring, but, is was quite easy for me.I hope that this chapter could help me pull up my marks if i have done badly for my exams.

What i enjoyed most about this chapter?(sexual education)

I like the part about abortion as it was really interesting and i actually learnt that abortion was dangerous.I used to think that abortion would be safe and that nothing bad could happen to girls but i was wrong.Overall, i like the whole chapter as it was very interesting.

What i can do to improve?

I will practice with more question to get my speed faster as i am very slow in doing math, and which ever questions that i do not know how to do, i will ask someone until i understand.I wll also practice more of the quadratic equations.

What i found difficult or confusing?

I find it quite hard to do the quadratic factorisation.I would always get mistakes for this part.It is also confusing as i have to do the workings many times to get the answere.Nevertheless, i could do it. I just need to work fast and not to become scared when i get this questions.

What i think i did well for this chapter?

I think that i have improved on expanding, because last year, i did not understand this chapter very well.In addition, i used to hate algebra.Now that i have under stand tha concept, i can now do better in practices and hopefully in exams.I have also improved in ht e 'changing in signs' for all my workings and from there, i could have a higher chance of getting my answere correct.Overall, I think that i did well for this chapter and i had done my best for everything i do for it.

What i enjoy most about this chapter?(algebra)

I love expanding the equations because it isquite easy for me but i still make some minor mistakes.I also like it when i need to put in the formula.Example, (a+b) to the power of 2 or (a+b)(a-b).It is kind of easy for me too.In this chapter, i learnt more about myself as well.I learnt that i actually have the potential to do good in maths.For the past years, i had always failed maths, therefore, i gave up on it in sec one, last year.As time goes by , i wanted to change to pass my maths and other subjects. All i did was to think positive and to look at the brighter side of life.I hope, that i could make my family, Mr Chiang and myself proud.