Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pastoral care activity.

1. 3 things i have learnt.

-I have learnt how to communicate without using my mouth.
-I learnt more birthday dates.
-I learnt that everyone are different but special in thier own ways.

2. 2 things i can apply.

-I can commuicate to my peers without using my mouth so that i would not disturb others.
-I should always listen and follow the instructions given.

3. 1 thing i have learnt about my friend.

-I learnt that Jaime was 1 year younger than me.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What do i want to learn more about this chapter?

I would love to learn more about the physical changes and chemical changes. I would also love to practice more of the balancing of equations. I do understand how to balance alittle, but, it is very difficult for me to do the balancing. It is very difficult for me to explain but i know that all i need to do is more practices.

What difficulties i faced while doing the experiments?

Basically, i did not have many problems doing the experiments. I used to have problems lighting up the bunsen burner because i was afraid of the strong fire. Now, i am not at all scared to light it up because that day, i tried my very best to overcome my fears of lighting it up. I had fun lighting it up and i would really love to do it again. Please bring us to the lab more often Mr Chiang!

What have i learnt in the practical session?

I have learnt that when a solution is added to something else, some would have a chemical reaction. It was fun doing practicles in the lab. I get to see very interesting chemical reactions. I also learnt that experiments in the lab is alittle different from the experiments from the book. It is because of some the instuments are alittle different or dirty.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What i want to learn more about chapter 2.1?

I wish to learn the more difficult questions on chapter 2.1. By doing this, i can challenge myself to go to a higher level. Now that i have understood the basics of chapter 2.1, i now want to go on and slowly try to understand the more difficult questions. If there is any other mothod to get the answer, i would love to learn it. If i could not understand the other method, i might as well stick to the easier method.

What are the difficulties i faced?

I have many carelesss mistakes that is why i usually got my answers wrong. I am usually careless in my calculation and my changing of signs. I actually used to have difficulties in changing the signs but now that i tend to look out for the signs, i have improved a little on the changing of signs. I will continue to practice myself for this chapter.

What have i learnt in chapter 2.1?

I have learnt to change the signs when needed and how to find the answers. I learnt to answer the questions by placing all the same algebric expression together and then simplify it. By doing this i would not confuse myself anymore. I also learnt where to place the brakets in order to get the answer correct.Doing it step by step also helps me break down the question and make it easier for me to do.