Friday, August 28, 2009

A. Hajarratu
B. 6
C. 29 August 2009
D. Video 3
E. 1. Decide not to do:
Lie to my parents that i am sick and play the game.
Decide to do:
Tell my parents that i have recovered and study for the test.

2. Decide not to do:
Play the video game and lie to my parents.
Decide to do:
Tell the truth and not play the video game till i get addicted. Limit myself to play the game and study for my upcommimg test.

3. Did not do:
Tell the truth. By not telling the truth, i am only creating a bigger lie that would cause problems to myself and the people around me. Study for my upcomming test. By not studying for my exams, i would not know how to do it so i might result to cheating.
Did do:
Play the video game. By playing the game and not having a time limit to play the game, i am resulting myself to game addiction. With this, i would not have enough sleep and enough time to study for my test. I would also lie to my parents that i am still sick so that i would carry on to play the game since i am addicted to playing the video game.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What have I learnt today?

I have learnt how the distance of a board, the weight of the load, the placing of the pivot, and the amount of effort applied affect how far the load would move.
  • Describe the moment of a force in terms of its turning effect and give everyday examples in terms of momemt.
  • Recall the relationship of moment of a force.
  • Apply the relationship between moment of a force and perpendicular distance from the pivot to new situations or to solve new situations.

Saturday, April 11, 2009



Helping a friend is in deed a good deed but helping an opponent, who is competing with you is tough. You need to know if the person really neeed help and we should consider to help the person. There was an Olympic event whereby a competitor showed good views of the value, friendship. While struggling his way through from his second place position, the first placed competitor had some leg craps and pulled himself from first place. The second placed competitor gave up his silver medal to help his opponent.





Thursday, April 2, 2009


Friendship. Without friendship, our lifes would be nothing. Schools are made not just studying, but also making friends. That is why the Olympic and the Youth Olympic games are not just for competing but also for making new friends from other nations. With friendship, nations could help each other Whenever They needed the help. It is like when Singapore helped Indonesia when the tsunami hit them. This could actually strenghten the value of frindship between nations. With the YOG being held in Singapore, Singapore would have many friends. Friendship is the important things in YOG as, if there is no friendship in Singapore, Singapore would not have hosted the YOG. Singapore is hosting YOG for the first time and this is a better way for Singapore to interact with other nations. It also helps our Singaporean's Olympian to bond with other olympians. With this value, it makes the YOG more exciting because without this, everyone would be so serious and there would be no life in this game.

Friday, March 27, 2009

What did Singapore do to promote YOG?

I slap you!

Overhaed bridge outside far east plaza.

At Singapore visitor's centre.

Job well done.

This is at Seng Kang .

NUM Folks putting upYOG flag.

Flags adorning the entire block.

Diving into the grass.

Singapore and moscow was in the final week of the race. On Thursday, Singapore will learn if it will be the hosting country for the 2010 YOG. The singapore forces gave one final push for the chance at the hosting glory.
They’ve come a long way and many people have put in blood, sweat and effort to bringing singapore here. And it was great to know that their effort has not gone unrecognised, because Singapore WON!.
the best part was that people were actually doing something to show their support for the bid! In fact, even companies like New Urban Male and Cityneon are stepping in to lend a hand in hyping up this historical moment.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Olympics before and after.

The Olympic torch (after).

The olympic torch (before).

Athletes running (before).

The olympic stadium (after).

Athletes running (after).

Olympics stadium (after).

Supporters from the olympics of Germany (before).
The Olympic stadium (before).

Friday, March 13, 2009

Respect, friendship and excellence.

The three values of olympism is recpect, excellence and friendship. Olympism is a spirit that infects the world.It keeps the bonds of the world as one as we watch the contestants do their best and we support them whether the win or lose. We see sportsmanship in these contestants and we also see friendship and teamwork amongst the team mates. I respect these athletes for they always strive for excellence.Even if they know they are about to lose, they will still continue to do their best and not give up. That's something that's highly admirable. We should always pesevere and do what ever you can instead of being like a crouch potato .We need to make good friends by respecting them, this is how we can improve and excel.Our characters can also be improved from there.